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Nina Chaubal, left, and Greta Gustava Martela are the co-founders of Trans Lifeline, the first U.S. suicide hotline dedicated to transgender people.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America
Martela says, “I actually did a Google search for ‘transgender suicide hotline,’ and nothing came up.”
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America

A truckload of 1,000-foot pipes will be used to bore into the ground at a deep well being built in Ducor.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America

Roger Welch clears the flow ditch so that the water will be filtered and reused in the drilling process.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America
“We thank God we were able to come to the U.S.,” Rami says. “We are grateful for the opportunity to work. All Syrians want is what everybody deserves — a safe and comfortable living, a future for their children.”
- Sadaf Syed / Al Jazeera America
Genevieve Huizar holds a poster of her son, Manuel Diaz, that has been used in demonstrations.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America
Donna Acevedo cries at the sight of a recent letter addressed to her son, Joel, who was killed by police.
- Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America
Calif. counties cope with released prisoners, many homeless
Huckabay, 61, was last convicted for drug possession. He expects to be off probation in November.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America
While he was homeless, Paul Becker, 51, used the kiosks to check in with the probation department. Now he shares a home with 12 other men.
-Sadaf Syed for Al Jazeera America